Registering for the Exhibit Hall is available. Thank you to all of our vendors for considering joining us at the 2025 WSST Conference!
Booth size and fees: Each booth measures 8' x 10' (TWO booths, 8' x 20'). Each space includes 1 skirted table, 2 chairs, 11" x 17" sign, and WiFi. Reservation of booth space entitles the exhibiting company/organization to TWO conference registrations. Additional registration are $75 per badge.
Booth confirmation: An email will be sent to confirm your booth reservation. The WSST Conference Committee and the exhibits coordinator determine booth locations on a first come, first-served basis.
Exhibit Hours:
*Exhibitors will NOT dismantle, close, or do any packing of their booth prior to the close of the exhibit area.
Cancellation policy: If cancellation is prior to January15, we will refund 50% of the booth cost. If after January 15, there is no refund.
Hotel accommodations: Exhibitors who require lodging are requested to use our hotel host. A link to special rates for conference attendees can be found at the conference website on
Meals (optional): Friday Box Lunch (delivered to booth) and Friday night Banquet tickets available.
Presenting conference workshops/sessions: Exhibitors may apply to present sessions and/or workshops. The proposal submission form can be obtained at
If paying offline, checks should be made payable to WSST and sent to Kevin Niemi (CFO):
WSST Vendor Registration c/o Kevin Niemi 192 Depot Road, Cambridge, WI 53523
WSST Vendor Registration c/o Kevin Niemi
192 Depot Road, Cambridge, WI 53523
If other questions about the Exhibit Hall, please contact Rod Dymesich at, 715-209-0207
Copyright 2016
WSST is a non-profit membership organization, 192 Depot Road, Cambridge WI 53523
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